Life In Search Of Compensation At the Veteran Administration/The Optics/The Ethics’

Look for a voice as a Monkkey of distinction!

Looking for a voice as a Monkkey of distinction!

As an Veteran of an noble cause, I often wonder what is to become of the benefits’

of serving with a group of monkkeys’ who just plain refuse to compensate for services rendered. .

As a monkkey I did and I do say and then I even dressed just like them!

As a monkkey I firmly up-held the constitution of the United States for which I enlisted.

Do you know what those “CHIMPS” did to me.  I was a monkey who contracted an illness

and went to seek a cure at one of their hospitals.  They ended up giving me steroids’ before

extracting 18 of my  teeth with the needle.  Since the steroids’, I effectively became

the first “Crack-Head” Monkkey of steroids. Those steroids gave me Addison!

While at the zoo that which they referred to as an hospital, I suffered a code blue and died in 2004..

As a Mentally impaired monkkey, I was doomed to a life of monkkey like behavior  including going

to jail and further Mental Crack Crackups! (Hence forth I have always’ had this caged in feeling)

:: To fast forward!  In another zoo (hospital) in 2007, I again died as a result of Addison Disease

for the second time. At that time I had an illness’ again. Not to mention the fact that I missed out on an fugitive

felon police warrant and became a fugitive felon from justice while in the hospital.  For this they charged me

$75000.00 dollars, (bananas’} which is a high price to pay for dieing. Now, I am racking up on the court cost

expending my on moneys’ to stop this Monkking around with my pay-check!

On the bright side thou, they no longer consider me a Convicted felon, however they do require

that dieing should cost me a price.  And no, Those monkkeys’ won’t put me in jail for this offense.  They say that

they don’t want to cage me up, ” they just want the money”.  And even to this day having a outstanding warrant does’

not support me going to jail.  but, they feel that I should pay for the warrant just the same.

They now want to take over half of my %100 percent disability check to pay them seventy five thousand dollars in

American money (bananas).   I can either write them a check or just simply pay by credit card.  Now that was a great relief and a comfort  to me, in my eye’s. And the best part is that they will be taking in my birthday month and right just before Christmas 2014.  Did I mention that I will not be able to pay my bills and will be effectively homeless next month DEC2014.  Who does’ that?


Monkkey In Distress

Note:  If you have an VA Horror stories’ of you own, or a story to tell, please obtain a unsuppressed voice by posting

or contacting me at this blog./

Please tell me a story to post….  My story is an ongoing story that will continue until those monkkeys’ stop

monkkeying around….

your friend in the pen/G.FIELDS


Crisis at the border | MSNBC @ Statue Of Liberty Stand by In Dismay!


Crisis at the border | MSNBC.

Just take a close look at the border

and just what do you see… Thousands

and thousands of baby refugee’,, They are

just waiting to be…

There by the space of 100 years' came my Refugee and father...grand-father There by the space of 100 years’ came my Refugee and father…grand-father

They are seeking freedom of expression or whether it be… rather fleeing murder, starvation or poverty.  They come to this country and from their country they did flee… They were greeted by

the statue in that quest to be free.  Only it was not to be…. The statue is in New York.  From Texas all that they heard was talk.  Don’t bring us your germs, fore you are alien to me… I don’t care if you are a baby or a mother to be!  This is America and the land of the free…

Now you know that I wouldn’t say that In public fore I…

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Will A Divided House Stand In any Land by Gary Fields

Will A Divided House Stand In any Land by Gary Fields.



The "Lord Has Got your back!

Those who say and really not truly believe, are those who seek to deceive.




You may never see one laugh though you may some-times’

see one cry.  If it is a rush to judgement, then they can be so very shy,

Yes, if there is cause for testimony, he will only lie.  He will head for

the ” foot’ hills ”  till another one comes’ by!  To the detriment of the

fallen truth of the truthful, he can seduce you with his evil with-in a

song, song….  He will string you along fore he can sell you with a song

while he makes’ you a true believer as you surly sing along…


Gary Fields


Nigerian Witches & Wizards Association Declare War On Boko Haram

TrendySturvs Blog!

This is what the Leader and spokesman, Witches and Wizards Association of Nigeria, (WITZAN), Dr. Okhue Iboi told THE SUN on the  meeting held by his members

“Witches and Wizards in Nigeria are deeply worried by what is going on in the country especially Boko Haram insurgency. As stakeholders in the Nigerian project, we can no longer afford to fold our hands while the nation burns. Enough is enough”, “We witches and wizards in Nigeria have sealed the fate of Shekau. His days are numbered. He will be captured before the end of December, and contrary to the image and impression he has been creating that he is a warrior, after his capture, he will start singing like a canary bird

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Crisis at the border | MSNBC @ Statue Of Liberty Stand by In Dismay!

Crisis at the border | MSNBC.

Just take a close look at the border

and just what do you see… Thousands

and thousands of baby refugee’,, They are

just waiting to be…


There by the space of 100 years' came my Refugee and father...grand-father

There by the space of 100 years’ came my Refugee and father…grand-father

They are seeking freedom of expression or whether it be… rather fleeing murder, starvation or poverty.  They come to this country and from their country they did flee… They were greeted by

the statue in that quest to be free.  Only it was not to be…. The statue is in New York.  From Texas all that they heard was talk.  Don’t bring us your germs, fore you are alien to me… I don’t care if you are a baby or a mother to be!  This is America and the land of the free…

Now you know that I wouldn’t say that In public fore I am from the party of the republic… We use the tax payer money to make you repugnant.  We will make you an advertisement just to make them mad!  And before they learn anything, you would already would have been had!  We use distraction and in the midst of the distraction, we legislate you out of action… while spending  most of our time taking of ‘Tea”… yes, we are one big family. You are alien to me……


Gary Fields





” The Cross” – Switch Blade blogg… at Poetry

When all is do…. let me give you a clue! your friend in the pen/G.FIELDS


Duplicity In life contrary to popular Duplicity In life contrary to popular belief..

” The Cross” – Switch-Blade blog @Poetry

The Switch Blade is the double edged Cross to signify

that life has the ultimate sharp edges’ which cut oh’

So deep!  Man shy away from such subject matter

and choose to turn a blind eye to the devil.  The Lord

is always’ talked about while the devil never take credit

for his own deeds’.  But, it is for the devils’ pleasure that we

must pay!


Gary Fields

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” Food For Thought” a WildThangMonkkey. Blog. At The Switch-Blade – Gary Fields’s Blog

Is thinking really thoughtful if one can never imagine… Poet/Author Gary Fields


Pretty Dogged out!

” Food For Thought” a WildThangMonkkey. Blog. At The Switch-Blade – Gary Fields’s Blog.

At this blog… inclosed are ( 4)  thoughts’ that

One should  consider before he decides’ to Monkkey

Around with another Monkkey and to touch him

In the wrong place…

Gary Fields

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